The journal aims to report yearly on acceptance rates, times to initial decision, and other data.

- In 2022, RP received 117 papers. 12 of those were invited submissions (for such things as conferences, speaker series and book symposia). 105 of the submissions were unsolicited, of which 12 were accepted—an acceptance rate of 11%.
- Including desk rejections, the overall average time to initial decision for all unsolicited papers was 44 days.
- 10 (~10%) of the 105 unsolicited submissions had at least one female author. 1 of those (or 10%) were accepted for publication after anonymous review.
- 98 (93%) of the 105 unsolicited submissions had at least one male author. 11 of those (or 11%) were accepted for publication after anonymous review.
- 2017 w:30% m:15%
- 2018 w:13% m:13%
- 2019 w:20% m:12%
- 2020 w:25% m:13%
- 2021 w:26% m:14%
- 2022 w:10% m:11%
- 2 (17%) of 12 invited authors were female.
- 15 (13%) of all 117 submissions (solicited or unsolicited) had a female author.
- 3 (13%) of our 24 accepted submissions (solicited or unsolicited) had a female author.