All submissions to the journal are peer refereed. All unsolicited submissions are triple anonymous refereed: The author is anonymous to both the editor and the referee, and the referee is anonymous to the author. (We take anonymous review seriously; please see the instructions on how to prepare manuscripts for anonymous review.) If an editor can determine the identity of the author, no matter who the author, she will recuse herself from the review process entirely, and a suitable replacement will be found.

The Editorial Board performs a desk review to determine if the paper warrants external review. If the paper is rejected without external review, the editors aim to make that decision within three weeks.

If the paper undergoes external review, referees are given the option of a quick rejection with few comments, if they believe the paper warrants it. Otherwise, they are asked to submit their reports within 4 weeks.

The journal aims to make an initial decision on all submitted papers in less than 8 weeks.