
The journal takes the anonymity of the review process seriously. Please prepare your manuscript for blind review appropriately. Submissions that are not so prepared will be rejected.

Nothing that could be used to identify the author should be included in the submitted document. Please be sure to follow all of the following instructions:

  • Do not include a cover page
  • Do not include your name as the author, your email, or your institution
  • Please check the document properties to be sure that it does not include identifying marks. (These often include author's name, email, or institution.)
  • Please anonymize any references to personal communications with named individuals with "[NAME REMOVED]."
  • Please anonymize acknowledgements and thanks with "[ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS REMOVED]."
  • When citing your own work, it is normally best to not anonymize but remove first person pronouns. That is, instead of, for example, "As I argued in Smith 2010 . . .", please use "As Smith (2010) argues . . ."

Eligibility for Consideration

The journal accepts only one submission from the same author at the same time, with a 30-day gap between the last submission and the next one. In addition, the journal accepts only papers that are not simultaneously under submission at another journal (and will not be for the duration of the review process).

File Format

We prefer initial submissions in PDF format, but will also accept Word documents. For accepted papers, we prefer Word documents, but will accept LaTex documents as well.


The journal does not normally publish full length articles longer than 12,000 words, including footnotes. The journal also publishes short, focused discussion pieces not longer than 4,000 words and shorts, which are fewer than 3,000 words (Short Instructions).


Papers may be submitted in any standard style, but authors of accepted papers will be required to edit their papers according to the journal's style, which follows The Chicago Manual of Style (17th edition). Style instructions are available as a pdf here.


Please review the journal's copyright policy.